Healing is integration.

Integration is your Rebirth.

Getting to where you’re going by accepting where you’ve been.

In a client call last week, she said “Kasey, I have to admit, it feels really weird saying ‘thank you’ to the parts of me I’m most ashamed of.”

I know it does.

What if we could switch the lens in which we view that past self though?

What if we acknowledge that every night of binge drinking, every drug we took, every person we had sex with, every dollar we gambled or spent, every time we purged, binged, or restricted food — it was how we were merely surviving?

Each crutch we leaned on was how we made it through the day, to see another one.

Every coping mechanism was how we drudged our way through suicidal ideations.

Every choice we made no matter how dark was a choice of life vs a choice of death.

So yes, I say thank you to the parts of me that chose life. No matter how messy that life was. She chose life. She chose survival. She chose what she had to choose with the resources that she had available.

She led me to me. And I thank her every day for it.

I’ve integrated the parts of me that I historically have hidden from, this is how I’m healing. This is how I’ve met my Rebirth.

This is how you heal, this is how you meet your rebirth, too.


Choosing yourself feels scary.


Unbridled Freedom