Becoming Untethered
In your life, in your experiences, do things ever just click together all Kismet & shit? Like the stones of your path were beautifully laid out before you even chose to walk it?
This shows up for me in my monthly therapies often. Sessions will hold similar topics, themes, healing paths.
In February, my Therapist asked me to journal on the word ‘Untethered’ because I expressed that it was how I felt. I meant it in a negative sense. I meant it as I was a mess, I was all over the place, I was falling completely apart. When given the assignment, I made a word collage instead. As I was writing out the negative connotations that I felt, I realized the magnificence that came with becoming “Untethered” so I switched colors, and let my thoughts continue to flow.
This week, in my Energy Healing group, we Untethered. The connection did not miss me. We untethered our energy (in a neutral sense) from past or current relationships, experiences, and locations that we felt contained a large piece of us. It was an exercise of experiencing freedom, liberation.
Earlier this week, I spoke on how our minds can’t process a double negative, instead of telling our minds what NOT to think about, we have the power to tell our minds what we DO want to think about. In my meditation this week I heard “Energy flows where focus goes.”
All to say - the theme of this week was remembering. Remembering that I have the power to see my untethering as me falling apart, or as my greatest liberation.
Next time you very clearly state what you do not want, or what you do not accept- I challenge you to flip that. I challenge you to proclaim exactly what it is you want to call into your life. I challenge you to look to flip the lens of whatever emotion it is you are currently facing, I challenge you to view your current breakdown as a possible liberation. How does it feel?