
I received the diagnosis of stage IV Endometriosis in 2016.

From 2016 - 2018, I was in severe, chronic, debilitating pain for 3 out of every 4 weeks.

I had an exploratory surgery for the sole purpose of diagnosis with the possibility of lesion removal.

I received the diagnosis which helped validate the pain I had been experiencing since I began menstruating at 13, 13 years prior. It started as just wildly painful on day 1, and then gradually, year by year, the pain crept into 21 days.

There was no lesion removal because the Endometriosis had formed on the backside of my uterus and bladder, connecting them both to my bowels. Where you have free floating organs, I had a brick. Molded together.

My doctors shared with me that treatment options were as follows:
1. Lupron, a hormonal injection to move my body into false menopause.
2. Pregnancy
3. Hysterectomy

I chose none of those options. I chose to call bullshit.

I did a nose dive down the Holistic rabbit hole. I learned that food, diet, toxins, parasites, mindset, and trauma created my Dis-ease.

I learned that I had the power to heal my body.

Through Holistic practices, I put the Endometriosis into remission. My body is no longer creating new tissue. I do still however have the old tissue that’s healing by the day.

I reconnected with my womb. I am coming home to my body.

Last month, for the first time in 19 years, I had a symptom free cycle.

This month, on day 1, I’m taken out by pain again.

The difference with todays pain is that I know my body is speaking to me and I know how to listen to her now.

Todays pain is reconnecting me with my why.

My why is to teach, coach, and guide women into reconnecting with their own beautifully cyclical body so that they may heal through the griefs of the past, and refocus their energy on every ounce of pleasure they seek.


Grieving out loud


It is valid to fear the self healers journey