Healing is not linear

You’re not going to start on the path of healing and immediately arrive there. Your path will look much more similar to that of a zig-zag than anything straight and narrow.

The GPS is going to take you on a detour here or there. There are peaks, there are valleys, and there are winding roads and roundabouts you can’t wait to exit from.

Once you begin this path, you become ever-evolving. Your journey becomes ever-evolving. You will start new habits and then realize that even your new habits aren’t serving you, so it becomes time to up-level again.

You will begin learning from new people and then realize that their teachings no longer resonate with you, so it’s time to find new teachers.

You will heal from one wound only to find another wound right below it.

You will accomplish your greatest goals and desires, sit back, kick your feet up, and see there are new accomplishments to be had.

With any good road trip though, you know it’s all about the rideeee baby! So make sure you’ve got a good playlist, and be prepared to take in all the new sights to see.

Most importantly, know and understand that no matter how many detours or roundabouts you find yourself on, you will return home.

Driving around all lost, refusing to stop and ask for directions is big old story vibes. We are creating our new story these days my friend, full of guidance and support from those who have traveled the roads before us.

If you’re interested in working with a guide on your non-linear journey, enrollment for an 8-week journey through my Rebirth Roadmap begins August 29th. If traveling on your own has not been serving you, it would be my honor to show you the way.

Curious for more details on my service offerings? Click here.


Self Care

